My Vision
Oil Paintings
How to Order
Contact Me

I am delighted to help you create the perfect wedding bands for you and your beloved, rings that will honor your special bond and your unique personalities.  Just call (845) 255-1591 for an appointment or bring your ideas to a show for an estimate.  I am happy to work with you to create the perfect rings for now and always.

The wedding bands shown below are just a small sample of the many possibilities.  Take a look to see what I can do for you.  You can also order any of my "figurative" rings by clicking here.

I can create a remarkable one-of-a-kind ring to fit seamlessly with your wedding band.

Figurative Themes
Floral Themes
One of a Kind Pieces
Commissioned Work
Wedding Bands

Click on any of the links above or at left to view our different jewelry lines.

All prices subject to change without notice.


Please report any site problems to webmaster@hformanbarrett.com.